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(Recruit, Coach & Talent Management)

Our seasoned HR professionals will provide personalised guidance and tools to help you to recruit your ideal talent, offer effective training/coaching and drive high performance. 


From competitive compensation program to culture developments, we will help you to build your dream team. 

Acquiring the right talent is the most important key to growth. Hiring was - and still is - the most important thing we do.

Mare Bennioff,
Founder, Chairman and co-CEO of Salesforce

Do you know?

Only around 35% of candidates are actually qualified for the job that they applied.


That makes the entire recruitment process becomes some hassle, and also both cost and time consuming. 

unforeseen repetitive cost of recruitment

short of quality new talent on board

extra workload for existing staff

more training/coaching for new staff

How can Flex Cube solve this? With ReCoTa,

We provide 4 main components to SME to magnet new talent in our service

Employee Value Proposition (EVP)

We promote your company and your EVP, not ours.

We put organisation and your EVP front and centre. 

We would work hand in hand with your company to create/promote an appealing employee value proposition and give you the ability to attract the best candidates on the market. 

A well designed EVP communicates the overall benefits of joining your organisation and allows you to be seen as attractive employer.


You get a team of experts at your fingertips.

We use our network, technologies, resources and expertise to source, engage and select great candidates for you. 

We are a team of internal acquisition experts, recruiters, organisational psychologists and entrepreneurs who focus on continuous improvement, stay up to date with the latest tools and technologies that can add value especially for candidates personality review. 

We incorporate sourcing strategies that allow your organisation to tap into both the active and passive market allowing you to increase the talent pool and the quality of potential candidates. 

We then practice thorough selection processes, sometimes from hundreds of candidates to present the most suitable candidates. 


Innovative, engaging and effective onboarding solution.

We provide engaging, innovative and effective onboarding solutions. 

Onboarding is often seen as admin heavy, but with proper strategies, onboarding will lead to amazing benefits. 

A recent study showed that great employee onboarding can improve employee retention by 82% and productivity by 70%. 

A thoughtful on-boarding process will have a big impact on the success or failure of a new hire. 

Personal User Guide (PUG)

Our approach is backed by system analysis and data.

We love interaction with people behaviors that provides easy to understand human potential talents. 

Those analysis allow us to make informed decision and is an increasingly important part of a good talent acquisition strategy. 

With a constantly changing market, partnering with Flex Cube will allow your organisation to make informed decision and be competitive in acquiring the best talent.